Pressurized Spray Booths & Rooms - CEFLA

Pressurized Spray Booths & Rooms - CEFLA


A Pressurized Booth/Room for spraying and/or drying coatings is essential in order to obtain the highest quality and create an optimal work environment for operators. A Paint Mixing Room can be added for a completely dust free system.

The uniform ventilation provided by external air make-up units keeps the air inside the booth completely free from dust from outside, eliminating all risk of contamination of sprayed workpieces. Air is delivered and filtered by air make-up units outside the booth or room.

The temperature and humidity level inside the room is controlled via a central control.

  • independent on/off switching for spraying room and/or drying room
  • independent temperature control for each room
  • drying cycle which can be programmed at end of shift
  • capability for maintaining minimal pressurization even when not in use, to keep the inside environment dust-free
  • complete with energy-saving device
  • Paint Mixing Room can be added for complete control and separation from the shop environment


ModelPressurized Booths & Rooms
Stock NumberBRF.164.358