NEW 6'w x 8'h x 20'l BATCH OVEN - $55,516.00

NEW 6'w x 8'h x 20'l BATCH OVEN - $55,516.00

$55,516 (USD)



6'w X 8'h X 20'l Batch Oven by Oven Empire Manufacturing designed for curing at 250 to 450 degrees F.

Industrial Oven with Double Doors on One End and Top Mount Burner Box

  • Fully modulating burner with 8:1 turndown ratio
  • Heavy Duty recirculating fan w/ approx 5 air changes per minute (fan size & CFM depends on oven size)
  • Ductwork on both sides of the oven w/ adjustable louvers for balancing
  • 4” Insulated Tongue / Groove Oven Panels are made of 18ga. aluminized steel for maximum corrosion and heat resistance
  • Oven Panels are slotted with thermal breaks to MINIMIZE HEAT TRANSFER
  • Support Structure is used for Top Mounted Burner Boxes to keep weight off of the oven panels
  • 6’ x 8’ Heavy Duty Insulated Doors with explosive venting latches - NFPA REQUIREMENT
  • UL LISTED Control Panel with flame safety monitoring
  • 4.3” LCD Touchscreen with the following features:
  1. Batch Timer - starts when oven reaches temperature (this is set by the operator)
  2. End of Shift Mode - burner shuts off at the end of batch & blowers shut down when oven temp is below 200°F
  3. Network Interface - works with Email/SMS, FTP, Web, VNC
  4. Data Logging – USB or Network access for information
  5. Ramp/Soak – Controlled Heating for certain processes or when the doors open

 Options Available:

2nd Set of Oven Doors

Conveyor Notches in the door header

Single Phase Electrical

Mechanical Installation

Electrical Installation


ManufacturerOven Empire Mfg.
Stock NumberBRF.164.522